Night drivers: How to stay safe when the lights are out?

A drive at night can be a relaxing and peaceful experience. There are fewer cars around, it’s quieter, and there are very little distractions - it’s just you and the road. However, it’s also one of the most dangerous times to drive.

Driving at night usually implies that the driver is fatigued or tired. Unless you work night shifts or uncommon hours, then you’re most likely going to be at least a bit fatigued when you drive at night. Next comes the lack of light. Unless you’re driving in a busy urban environment, chances are the lights will be out and the only way you’ll see other cars or people is to have your headlights on and to pray other drivers have theirs on too.

It’s estimated that the chance of getting into a fatal car accident is three times greater at night time. Even if you’re familiar with the roads, it’s best to practice driving safely if you have to drive during the night. Here are some helpful tips that you can follow to help you stay out of trouble while touring the streets after dark.

Night drivers: How to stay safe when the lights are out?

Dealing with the lack of light

When the lights are out, our eyes have to adjust to the lack of visual cues for various objects on the road. It’s harder to read signs, other cars become a pair of red lights, and our peripheral vision narrows to a cone in front of us. Even if your headlights are at full power, you can only see roughly 500 feet ahead of your car. This makes it incredibly difficult to see dangers or people who are beyond that range, and it reduces the amount of time you have to react if someone is on the road.

The best way to drive at night is slowly and carefully. Don’t drive too fast, take your time looking left and right, and make sure you keep track of everyone around you. Remember to dim your dashboard, aim your headlights correctly, and clean your windshield so that you have a clearer field of vision. Don’t neglect your seatbelt, and remove any distractions such as your phone.

Having a night out

If you’re planning to head out for the night, then either designate a driver if you’re with a group of friends or don’t take your car out. You don’t want to be caught driving while under the influence and get arrested for DUI crimes. If you have no choice but to drive, then there are services you can hire that will taxi you home and also your car so that you don’t have to come back to pick it up.

It’s legal to drive with a small amount of alcohol in your blood system, but the only way to check that reliably is by carrying a portable breathalyser with you. They are relatively cheap and are essential tools if you go out on a regular basis. Make sure you are feeling fit to drive if you have to and keep your alcohol level low enough so that it won’t impair your driving ability.

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