Hyundai named a top green company by Newsweek

Hyundai Ioniq

Hyundai was honored in the 2016 Newsweek Green Rankings, created in partnership with Corporate Knights and HIP Investor. Since 2009, the Newsweek Green Rankings have been one of the world’s foremost corporate environmental rankings, which assess the 500 largest publicly-traded companies in the United States and the 500 largest publicly-traded companies globally on overall environmental performance.

The 2016 Newsweek Green Rankings measure the environmental performance of large public companies using eight clearly defined key performance indicators. The methodology is clear and rules-based, and the process meets the test of being replicable by a third party. A company’s overall score is a weighted average of their eight KPI scores.

Hyundai Blue Drive is a range of ecological products and technologies designed to improve fuel efficiency. Blue Drive is Hyundai’s strategy to develop low-carbon, fuel-efficient vehicles that minimize vehicle fuel consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, thereby meeting the social need for both mobility and environmental preservation.

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